
The website redesign, together with the on-page optimization helped gain visibility, and improved user experience. The website extended its organic reach, and strengthened its online presence.
Increase in Organic Traffic
Over the course of the SEO campaign with Xivic, has seen over 300% increase in organic clicks for each month. Search impressions have also grown, to over 600% higher, while pageviews have seen 205% growth YoY.
Increase in Search Impressions & Clicks saw an increase from 50 non-branded impressions a day in Google to now over 5,000 a day, often around 7-8,000 impressions / day. The website now almost gets as many clicks as it used to get in impressions.
Increase in Online Sales
Ecommerce revenue on the site is up from ~$113K in the first half of 2018, to over ~$339K in the first half of 2019, just under triple the amount, and it’s still growing.